Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis)
One of the delights of spring is the return of the Canada Geese as they pause on their way to their chosen nesting grounds farther North. An awesome great bird weighing up to 14 pounds with up to a 73 inch wingspan. Coupled with a very aggressive territorial attitude they can beat the hell out of big dogs and humans as well. Not afraid of humans at all and a nuisance if you decide to feed them. More than one golfer has been chased by one or more Canada geese attempting to retrieve a wayward golf ball.
I take great delight in the honking and yodeling conversations they have during their early morning flights to their breakfast patch and motivational meeting sites. They don’t bother flying very high for these short hops and it makes you feel like you should duck as they flap and hoot past, such a majestic bird!
I’m offering D.A.R.I.A. Book One free from Amazon on April 9th, 10th, 11th. Sci-Fi readers will enjoy the journey through the six book series. If you have wonderment on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Genetic Engineering you will want to give this series a read. I like to focus on the positive aspects of our wondrous future so I think you will enjoy the series.
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Say, have you ever been inspired to build your very own “Man Shed”? Of course you have, we all have, somewhere only you and your buddies can go. A male environment, shiny tools, compressors, Michelin girlie posters, beer fridge, serious sound system, 60 inch flat screen for sports and rock concerts, security system warning for female proximity, bathroom, recliners and leather couch to nap on, hell yeah and stuff stays where you put it!!
Anyway, you can check out my adventures building my Man Shed, the ebook is free on April 16th and 17th and you can avoid all the problems and dumb things I did. Hey beauty!!
Bring extra ammo, keep the plates in your flak vests, extra water and field rations, this will be a prolonged firefight men!
There is so much we know nothing about, whole worlds which are unnoticed by our primitive senses. Stop by here to widen your senses and to notice the worlds of the SHADOWS REEL.
I must fly, the dogs are demanding to go for a walk as they have a bad case of the spring zoomies. And I better be with them and close by to avoid the veterinary bills if the geese decide to kick the crap out of them.
Martin E. Silenus